The Imaginative
Futures Working Group

Through this pillar, the NYFF will enable young people in Nigeria for outcome-driven policy engagements by mainstreaming their voices into the development of Nigeria’s short, medium and long term Agenda, and into the implementation of the African Union Agenda 2063, Africa-EU Partnership, AfCFTA and the UN SDGs.

The working groups will consists of two sub-groups that will deliver on the outcome of contributing to the Global, national and state equivalents. Each member of the Working Group will be assigned a thematic area of focus: Agriculture and Food Security, Digital Economy, Education, Energy and Environment, Health, Governance and Institutions, Tourism and Hospitality, Entertainment, Creatives and Sports.


Nation-Level Working Group (NWG)

At the national level, this will be a 40-member group of Nigerian youth aged 35 and below, drawn from all 36 states of Nigeria and the Federal capital territory and three individuals from special interest groups – young women, youth with disabilities and rural youth. The members of this group will have a 12-month tenure, amounting to 5 cohorts in 5 years.

Each cohort would be involved in developing and/or reviewing thematic policy papers that would positively influence the future of youth in Nigeria, and leverage findings from the policy papers in engaging and having dialogues with government institutions and officials. For seamless execution of tasks, each cohort will have; a Chair, Co-Chair and Secretary who will work closely with the NYFF Secretariat in the planning and coordination of activities.

Key Specific Activities Include

Imaginative Future Workings Group

Individual thematic reports will be commissioned to key experts who will work closely with the national working group members and wider groups of young people. The National Visioning Process will kick off with virtual workshops to orient members and thematic experts to the objectives of the visioning process and the structure of the visioning process. At the end of the workshop, the 40 NWG members would align on their mission and develop work-plans to guide the execution of their tasks.

Bi-annual Weeklong Retreats

The retreats will be opportunities for members of the national working groups to review reports on the various thematic areas developed by the thematic experts in collaboration with the members of groups. During the retreat, members of the working groups will also interface with various high-level stakeholders drawn from various sectors and areas of national interest to help enrich the visioning process.

The first cohort will develop a report on their vision for the future on key economic, social and political scenarios. The initial thematic papers will be developed prior to the first working group retreat of the first cohort. The final versions of these working papers will be submitted as memoranda to the official government medium term strategy and long term vision development processes in 2022 and 2023 respectively. The document will be dynamic and will be further updated by subsequent cohorts of working group participants as new issues emerge.
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The Nigerian Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) about image 5

Sub-National Working Group (SWG)

Representatives from state/Local Government Area within a state will form the Sub-National Working Group. Members of the Sub-national-level working groups will be convened every year.

The SWG will beresponsible for grassroot engagement and for developing advocacy tools that will be used to engage with the state government. At Sub-National level, one representatives will be selected from state/Local governments across the country.

Sub-national Level Vision Meeting and Scenario Workshops

Members of sub-national Level working groups (Representatives from state/LGA) in each cohort will participate in blended sub-national level visioning meetings and scenario workshopsone 2-day physical meeting. Each WG will organize their work under the broad framework of #The[NameofState]WeWant for each state.

They will serve as a means to draw on, analyze and integrate the perspectives of youth at that level into the national working group process. The output documents from the sub-national/state-level working groups will serve as tools for advocacy with sub-national governments and reference documents for the NWGs.

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